Fox News host calls killing of al-Qaeda leader Biden’s ‘Bin Laden moment’

Bret Baier called the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri a “major, major get” for both the president and United States

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Tuesday 02 August 2022 07:52 BST
Fox News host calls killing of top al-Qaida leader Biden's 'Bin Laden moment'
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Fox News host Bret Baier called the killing of Al-Qaeda’s top leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden’s “Bin Laden moment.”

Mr Baier told viewers of the right-wing news channel that the drone strike that killed the terror boss was a “major, major get” for the country moments after news of it broke on Monday.

“This was a drone strike with active intel, we are being told. That al z was at a certain residence outside Kabul, it’s hard to believe after all these years that just outside a major city in Afghanistan where the US had been operating for a long time is this Al-Qaeda leader. They acted on intelligence, we are told that it was a drone strike,” he said, before adding: “You are going to hear a moment tonight that will be President Biden’s Bin Laden moment. This is a huge, huge win for the US.”

President Biden is set to discuss the operation that killed the terrorist later on Monday evening.

Al-Zawahiri notably took over leadership of the terror group that was responsible for the 9/11 attacks after Osama bin Laden was killed by Seal Team Six in 2011.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed on Twitter on Monday that a drone strike on a home in Kabul had taken place on Sunday.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this attack on any pretext and calls it a clear violation of international principles and the Doha Agreement,” he stated.

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