‘Like a horror movie’: Uber driver’s narrow escape from fatal collision which left car on Tube tracks

“It was like something out of a horror movie, only much worse. I have never seen anything like it,” said the witness

Furvah Shah
Tuesday 23 August 2022 19:55 BST
A Range Rover ended up on the railway tracks of the Piccadilly line at Park Royal underground station
A Range Rover ended up on the railway tracks of the Piccadilly line at Park Royal underground station (PA)

An Uber driver has recounted his narrow escape from a fatal crash in west London yesterday where one person died and three others were injured.

A Range Rover hit a Tesla on the A40 at 3.48am on Monday, with one vehicle ending up on the Piccadilly line train tracks at Park Royal underground station.

Nawaf Ali, 40, had planned to park next to a driver who was injured in the incident. He said: “I could have died last night, and my kids would not have a father.”

The scene of a fatal crash in west London in which a Range Rover ended up on a railway track (Victoria Jones/PA)
The scene of a fatal crash in west London in which a Range Rover ended up on a railway track (Victoria Jones/PA) (PA Wire)

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the father-of-two said the scene was like “something out of a horror movie, only much worse.”

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A 33-year-old woman, believed to have been a passenger in the Range Rover, died at the scene of the crash.

The Metropolitan Police report that the two cars had been involved in a collision causing the Range Rover to leave the road and end up on the railway line, and they believe that the Tesla was stationary at the time.

Mr Ali said he has parked in own Tesla car at the charging station off the A40 Western Avenue before recognising a fellow Uber driver in another car and going over to speak with them.

Underground trains are currently not stopping at Park Royal Station as it remains closed
Underground trains are currently not stopping at Park Royal Station as it remains closed (PA)

“Suddenly there was a noise like an aircraft crashing,” he said. “It was so loud. I ducked my head down and this car came flying over the metal barrier. The noise was incredible, but then it was silent.

“I jumped up and ran over to the other car and the driver was bleeding from his nose. He was in shock. I called for an ambulance straight away. He did not seem to know what had happened but did not seem that badly injured. I tried to tilt his seat backwards, but that did not work and did my best to stop the blood.

“It was like a horror movie, but only much worse. I do not want to see anything like that ever again.”

The driver of the Range Rover, a 23-year-old man, was taken to hospital in critical condition and the condition of the second passenger of the car, a 26-year-old woman, is not life-threatening,

A 56-year-old man, who is believed to have been with the stationary Tesla, was treated for non life-threatening injuries.

Piccadilly line trains are still not stopping at Park Royal station due to damage caused by the crash, but services have resumed between Acton Town and Uxbridge.

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