Egyptian pyramid dating back 3,700 years uncovered by archaeologists

Remains of 13th Dynasty tomb found in Dahshur royal necropolis south of Cairo

Tuesday 04 April 2017 14:55 BST
The Great Giza pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo
The Great Giza pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo (Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters)

An Egyptian excavation team has discovered the remains of a new pyramid that dates back to the 13th Dynasty some 3,700 years ago, a top antiquities official said.

The remains were located north of King Sneferu's bent pyramid in the Dahshur royal necropolis south of Cairo, the head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector, Mahmoud Afifi, said in a statement.

Due to the bent slope of its sides, the pyramid is believed to have been ancient Egypt's first attempt to build a smooth-sided pyramid.

The necropolis was the burial site for courtiers and high-ranking officials.

Adel Okasha, the head of Dahshur necropolis, said the remains belong to the inner structure of the pyramid, including a corridor.

The remains of the 13th dynasty pyramid, north of King Senefru's bent pyramids in Dahshur necropolis
The remains of the 13th dynasty pyramid, north of King Senefru's bent pyramids in Dahshur necropolis (Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities/AFP/Getty)

Other remains included blocks showing the interior design of the pyramid.

Associated Press

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