How well would you do in your A levels now? Take the quiz

Thousands of teenagers across the country are preparing to sit their A level exams this month - but how would you fare in some of the most popular subjects?

Rachael Pells
Education Correspondent
Friday 26 May 2017 16:06 BST
More A-level candidates were offered places at university last year than ever before
More A-level candidates were offered places at university last year than ever before (Rex)

With GCSE and AS level exams in full swing, and A2 exams just around the corner, it’s a stressful time for thousands of teenagers across the country.

A levels have undergone significant reforms over the past couple of years, allowing universities to play a greater role in what is included.

This year's results will be the first from candidates sitting the end of school exams under the new structure.

Last year a record 424,000 students were accepted into UK universities and colleges on A-level results day – the highest ever recorded, despite a slight fall in top grades achieved overall.

The top five subjects in terms of performance have remained the same for some time, with Maths found to be the most popular taken subject by students in the UK.

But how would you fare if you were to sit A level exams now?

Online local services marketplace, has designed a 15 question A Level style quiz using past papers from exam boards AQA and Edexcel, with questions covering Maths, English, History and Science.

Take the quiz below…

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