Business Diary: Outed by World of Warcraft

Friday 09 July 2010 00:00 BST

It's not that the sort of people who play fantasy games are embarrassed by their hobby, you understand, just that they want to protect their privacy like everyone else. World of Warcraft's online players are up in arms after Blizzard Entertainment, the company that created the game, said that fans would henceforth have to use their real names on its discussion forums. One angry poster has complained that a new girlfriend (he wishes) might come across his "closet gamer habit" by Googling his real name.

Switzerland sells its wares

Looks like the election of a predominantly Conservative Government hasn't entirely reassured those considering a move abroad for tax reasons. The accountant BDO held a pleasant soirée this week at which representatives of Lucerne gave a presentation extolling the virtues – led by favourable tax treatment, naturally – of a relocation to their Swiss canton. More than 80 people pitched up.

Blankfein's local difficulty

Trouble on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where residents of an upmarket apartment block have hired lobbyists to help them fend off an application from a trendy new wine bar that wants to open across the street. The block in question counts the Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein as a resident, as well as Sting, Denzel Washington and New York Yankees baseball star Alex Rodriguez. It's not clear on which side of the argument any of them sit.

Pass that man the humble pie

So well done to Tim Davie, the BBC's director of audio and music, who yesterday completed an embarrassing public U-turn with some aplomb. Davie is the man who recommended the closure of BBC 6 Music, which was only saved this week by the BBC Trust after a high-profile campaign for it to remain open. Yesterday, Mr Davie announced an increased marketing budget for the digital stations he runs – including 6 Music. Nice to know that he cares after all.

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