World’s ‘most boring jobs’ revealed: From lawyers to accountants

Is your job on the list? It might be time for a career change

Sarah Young
Thursday 23 February 2017 11:36 GMT
These are the least upbeat employees
These are the least upbeat employees (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

We’ve all been there. Those days when you’re watching the clock continuously as the workday drags on and you start to wonder “Is this the most boring in the world?”

Well, if it’s on this list it might be.

Emolument, an employment specialist, has exposed the dullest day jobs after surveying 1,300 professionals from 14 different sectors.

It found that those within the legal sector are the least upbeat with 8 out of 10 people who work in law saying they find their job boring.

Not far behind, careers in project management and support are also among those ranked the most dreary followed by accounting, banking, engineering and sales.

The least bored people surveyed though, were those working in education, executive management and research and development.

Here’s the full list of the 10 most boring jobs in the world and the percentage of professionals in that sector that find it monotonous.

1. Legal jobs (81%)

2. Project management (78%)

3. Support functions (71%)

4. Finance control (68%)

5. Consulting and accounting (67%)

6. Financial services and banking (67%)

7. Engineering (64%)

8. Sales (61%)

9. Marketing and communications (60%)

10. IT (56%)

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