Meet the women protesting against Trump

Over 100,000 people are estimated to have taken to the streets of London today to protest Donald Trump's visit

Harriet Hall
Friday 13 July 2018 21:26 BST

Plans for protests have been in place since the first uttering of the possibility that Donald Trump might visit the UK. His anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant and climate change-denying sentiments have made people across the world upset, angry and scared for their wellbeing.

It was the 2017 women's march that kicked off many of the protests against the 45th POTUS, the day after his inauguration. His comments about grabbing women "by the pussy," along withe several allegations of sexual assault, made him an unwelcome misogynist in the age of fourth wave feminism.

This week, as people took to the streets in London to unite in solidarity against all that the US President represents, we spoke to women from those who had skipped school for the day to Americans on holiday and even BAFTA-winning actor Julie Christie, and asked them what was at the forefront of their minds as they waved their placards.

"I think we’re on the verge of something terrible"

BAFTA-winning actor, Julie Cristie watches the rally at Trafalgar Square
BAFTA-winning actor, Julie Cristie watches the rally at Trafalgar Square (Harriet Hall)

Julie Christie: "I’m marching because I think Donald Trump is the most dangerous thing that’s happened to us in my lifetime. One of the reasons I’m here is because of the danger to abortion rights. It’s incredible to think what America might have to go through. I think we’re on the verge of something terrible.

"I’m feeling very frightened about where my country is headed"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

Johanna Grootblumik: "I'm American but I've lived here for years. When I first came to the UK Obama was president and there was so much hope. Now I’m feeling very frightened about where my country is headed. Me marching today, this is me sticking it to them. Along with Trump has come so much racism and bigotry. But he’s so much in denial about how much support he has that I feel its important to show him that he’s unappreciated."

"I'm here today because the situation is really grave"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

Anita O’Brien: "There’s a flag here today that says ‘resistance is duty’ and I think that’s true. I'm here today because the situaution is really grave. There's a famous saying that says something like, if one group is targeted and you don’t speak up, then another group will be targeted and another and another. Whatever the issue, what happens in one corner of the world affects us all. So I think that’s why everybody has to take a stand against Trump's policies today."

Aubrey Creswell: "We’re from New York City. I live here and my parents are visiting and they specifically wanted to go to the protest today. Trump is the opposite of everything that we stand for. It’s highly embarrassing to live in a country and have someone like that represent us. The mood at this protest is amazing. I’ve had goosebumps the whole time. It’s an incredible vibe.

"I’ve taken the day off of school to be here"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

"I’ve taken the day off of school to be here. We went to the drag march beforehand and it's been such a great day. But we're here because we need to be heard. Because Trump needs to know he's not welcome. I want him to get a sense of what he’s made people feel, and that he doesn't come back.

We're also wearing anti facial recognition makeup because the police have been using it. We won't stand for this kind of society."

"There’s no place for Trump's other policies in our society"

Katie Docran: "I work for the podcast, The Guilty Feminist. It started as a podcast and has now become a group of like-minded feminists. We're here today to fight for women's rights but we also feel there’s no place for Trump's other policies in our society. We're standing against sexism, racism and homophobia. He doesn’t exactly have a brilliant record! So many people have come to stand up against this kind of bullsh*t. I’ve been to a few marches against Trump but the atmosphere here today is particularly energetic.

"I want everyone to feel more welcoming to immigrants"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

Paloma Okenfold: "He’s sexist, he’s racist, he’s pro-war, he’s pro-borders, he’s anti-gay, I mean he puts children in cages, are there any more reasons we need to be here? He’s pro nuclear warfare, he’s a disgusting, horrible human being that makes me ashamed of the human race. I want everyone to feel more welcoming to immigrants, to have more awareness of climate change. We’re off our tits of happiness today.

"I can’t in all conscious continue in silence"

Kirsten Mcai: "I managed to have the afternoon off so I've come to the march, which is great. I'm marching because, as a general ideology, one person can be ignored but this is not really about just one person, it’s a whole set of ideologies, not just in America but here as well. It’s about people that think refugees and immigrants are less than human, that believe it’s ok to mock disabled people or to marginalise trans people or LGBT people and it’s just not acceptable.

I always think, If someone asked me in the future "did you do anything about it?" I couldn't possible say "well no, I just sat on my sofa and disapproved silently." I can’t in all conscious continue in silence.

When I got out of the tube today I found it hugely moving. There are so many different types of people; people with green hair, grey hair, walking frames, disabled people, children. Every kind of person is here.We're standing up against evil.

"We've been regressing rather than moving ahead and we can't have it"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

Susie White and Jess Bentley: "We came here together. We hate misogyny, we hate people that are racist, sexist, anti-gay and Trump is all of those things. Today’s about showing that we won’t accept that. He’s overturning lots of laws that protect gay people. We've been regressing rather than moving ahead and we can't have it."

"We’ve got to make him feel uncomfortable"

(Harriet Hall
(Harriet Hall (Harriet Hall)

Kemi Alemoru and Brit Dawson: " We think it's beyond a joke that we pretend America isn’t a fascist regime anymore. Trump doesn’t care about human rights and he’s been racist from the start. If he’s going to be in office we’ve got to make him feel uncomfortable.

It’s disgusting the things he’s said and it’s just resulting in more dreadful things being said across the world."

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