How to get rid of spots

It’s time to deal with dreaded breakouts once and for all

Sarah Young
Friday 22 June 2018 11:00 BST
(Getty Images)

There’s nothing worse than having a breakout. They’re a nuisance and unsightly but nonetheless, they’re something that happens to us all.

But, that’s not to say you should just accept defeat and simply wait for what feels like weeks for the blemish to go away. Instead, there are plenty of fuss-free ways to get rid of an angry spot.

Firstly though, it’s important to understand who blemishes work. Everyone’s skin has what are known as sebaceous glands that normally provide moisture and lubrication but, stress, hormones and environmental factors can form clogs.

As a result, the bacteria causes the skin to become inflamed and blemishes form.

From dirty make-up brushes, to not getting enough sleep or forgetting to take your make-up off before bed, there are plenty of triggers that can cause spots and while our first reaction might be to pop them, there are other ways to banish them for good.

Cleansing routine

If your breakouts are frequent it might be a good idea to switch up your skincare routine. Blemish-prone complexions tend to be oily or combination so choosing products that combats excess oil without drying the skin is essential.

Look for a cleanser that contains glycolic or salicylic acid as these will de-grease the skin and help with any scarring.

Spot treatments

If cleansing alone isn’t enough, luckily there are plenty of fast-acting formulas that you can pick up on the high street to help tackle blemishes. Products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide will kill acne causing bacteria and reduce the size and redness of the spot quickly and effectively.

Use oil-free beauty products

While it can be tempting to cover up the appearance of spots, using heavy foundations and concealers won’t make them physically disappear. Instead, try and go light on your make-up and stick to oil-free skincare formulas and non-irritating products.

Cortisone injections

If a spot has flared up the night before a big event then you might want to consider getting a cortisone injection but at £150 a shot, it should really be a last resort.

Administered by a dermatologist, they are a type of steroid injection injected directly into the spot and promise to remove redness within 48 hours.

This article has been updated. It was first published in September 2017.

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