Meghan and Harry will be allowed to accept more gifts for new baby daughter than Archie

The strict royal protocol around senior royals keeping gifts will likely not apply to the couple anymore

Isabelle Aron
Sunday 06 June 2021 18:04 BST
(Getty/Chris Jackson/Staff)

Meghan and Harry will not have to follow strict royal protocol around baby gifts for their daughter now they have stepped back as senior royals.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby girl this summer, which will be their second child.

When the couple had their first child, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor in 2019, they were subject to strict royal protocol around accepting gifts sent to celebrate the birth of their son.

Meghan and Harry were senior royals who must follow official rules when accepting gifts for any occasion.

Guidelines on the Royal Family’s official website state: “The fundamental principle governing the acceptance of gifts by Members of The Royal Family is that no gifts, including hospitality or services, should be accepted which would, or might appear to, place the Member of The Royal Family under any obligation to the donor.

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“In this regard, before accepting any gift, careful consideration should always be given, wherever practicable, to the donor, the reason for and occasion of the gift and the nature of the gift itself.”

The couple have previously shared examples of gift giving for Archie, including a waffle maker from his great-grandmother, the Queen, for Christmas in California and books from Oprah Winfrey’s book club for his birthday.

The couple announced in February that they were expecting a baby girl.

The couple announced on 31 March last year that they would be stepping back from the royal family and moving to America. The move, which has been described as “Megxit”, means that Meghan and Harry are no longer senior royals.

Although strict protocol may no longer apply, it’s possible that the couple would prefer donations over gifts for their baby girl.

In a post on their official Instagram account in 2019, a spokesperson said the couple were encouraging members of the public to make charitable donations rather than sending gifts for Archie.

The spokesperson said: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are immensely grateful for the outpouring of love and support in anticipation of the birth of their first child.

"In lieu of sending gifts, the couple have long planned to encourage members of the public to make donations to select charities for children and parents in need. If you already made a donation, the couple send you their greatest thanks."

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