Mariah Carey says Meghan Markle gives us ‘diva moments sometimes’

‘You give us diva moments sometimes Meghan,’ Carey said

Laura Hampson
Tuesday 30 August 2022 14:22 BST
Meghan Markle reveals Archie’s bedroom caught fire during royal tour with Prince Harry
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Mariah Carey has said the Duchess of Sussex “gives us diva moments sometimes” in the second episode of Meghan Markle’s new podcast, Archetypes.

Discussing what it means to be, and to be called, a diva, Carey, 53, says: “You give us diva moments sometimes Meghan.”

Meghan, surprised, replied: “I do? What kind of diva moments do I give you?”

Carey replied that it’s mostly down to “the look”. Later in the podcast, Meghan, 41, said: “I didn’t see that coming.”

She added: “But that aside, it [the interview with Carey] was all going swimmingly, I mean really well. Until that moment happened, which I don’t know about you, but it stopped me in my tracks… when she called me a diva!”

She continued: “You couldn’t see me,  obviously, but I started to sweat a little bit. I started squirming in my chair in this quiet revolt, like, wait, wait, no, what? How? But? How could you? That’s not true, that’s not… Why would you say that? My mind genuinely was just spinning with what nonsense she must have read or clicked on to make her say that. I just kept thinking, in that moment, was my girl crush coming to a quick demise? Does she actually not see me?”

Meghan added that Carey “must have felt” her nervous laughter as she jumped in to clarify what she meant.

“When she said diva, she was talking about the way that I dress, the posture, the clothing, the quote unquote, fabulousness as she sees it,” she said.

“She meant diva as a compliment. But I heard it as a dig. I heard it as the word diva, as I think of it. But, in that moment, as she explained to me, she meant it as chic, as aspirational. And how one very charged word can mean something different for each of us, it’s mind blowing to me.”

The interview comes one week after Meghan launched Archetypes on Spotify with her first guest, Serena Williams.

The pair spoke about motherhood, ambition, and a fire that broke out in baby Archie’s nursery while Meghan was on a royal tour of South Africa in 2019.

Next week’s guests will be Mindy Kaling, it has been announced.

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