Jameela Jamil says Meghan Markle takes an ‘unfathomable amount of s***’

‘I can’t believe it,’ Jamil told Markle during an interview on her ‘Archetypes’ podcast

Laura Hampson
Tuesday 15 November 2022 12:37 GMT
Meghan Markle calls out ‘angry Black woman' trope

Jameela Jamil has told the Duchess of Sussex that the former senior royal takes an “unfathomable amount of s***”.

Speaking on the latest episode of Meghan Markle’s Archetypes podcast, Jamil, 36, told Meghan, 41, how happy she was that Meghan had someone like the Duke of Sussex to support her.

Speaking of her own partner, musician James Blake, 34, Jamil said: “He just understands me. He’s an incredible human and an incredible friend, and I don’t think I could have withstood all of this without him.”

Jamil added that she knows Meghan has a “similar dynamic” with her husband, Prince Harry.

“Actually when the four of us met that one time it was a really sweet dynamic of two very similar relationships, and it was very nice for me to see that you have that in your home because you need it,” Jamil said.

“Because it’s an unfathomable amount of s*** that you take Meghan, I can’t believe it.”

Jamil added that she “fought back for years” on Meghan’s behalf, and that she was “so outraged by the twisting of this very normal, very kind, very civilised woman”.

Meghan stayed silent throughout the praise, but thanked Jamil for fighting back.

Elsewhere in the interview, Jamil said that Blake “likes” the fact that she is “not repressed”.

Referring to Blake’s attitude towards her activism, Jamil said: “He just likes that I am completely myself and I think that he really enjoys the fact that I’m not repressed in any way and therefore I don’t really have anywhere that I need to let off that steam, I don’t hold in any toxicity, I get everything off my chest, to you know, mixed results.”

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