What title will Meghan and Harry’s son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor have when Prince Charles becomes king?

Archie could gain a royal title when Prince Charles takes the throne

Joanna Whitehead
Wednesday 26 May 2021 15:44 BST
Arch meet Archie: Harry and Meghan release new video of baby Archie Harrison

The question of royal titles is not a straightforward one and it’s a situation made more complicated following revelations made by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during her explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Speaking in March, Meghan told Oprah that rather than choosing to forgo a title for their first child, Archie, as was widely reported when he was born, the couple were actually told by “the firm” that Archie would not receive a title.

“They were saying they didn’t want him [Archie] to be a prince or princess, which would be different from protocol, and that he wasn’t going to receive security,” Meghan revealed.

At present, Archie’s full name is Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Mountbatten-Windsor is a family name used for untitled descents who don’t use HRH (His or Her Royal Highness).

But will this change when Prince Charles takes the throne? Here’s everything you need to know.

What title will Archie have when Prince Charles takes the throne?

Prince Charles is next in line to the throne
Prince Charles is next in line to the throne (Getty Images)

Once Prince Charles ascends the throne, Harry and Meghan’s children will become grandchildren (rather than great-grandchildren) of the reigning monarch and become eligible for HRH titles. So, Archie could become His Royal Highness Prince Archie, for example.

This is because male-line grandchildren of a monarch are currently entitled to be His or Her Royal Highness due to a Letters Patent issued in 1917 by King George V. As Charles only has sons – William and Harry – this applies to all grandchildren.

However, it’s possible that Prince Charles may issue a new Letters Patent which would limit the HRH title to the heir to the throne and their immediate family to reflect that the duties of the royal family have evolved.

Raising Royalty author and royal historian Carolyn Harris told Town & Country magazine: “The trend in the 21st century royal family is toward fewer members of the monarch's family holding royal titles and becoming full time working members of the royal family so it's unlikely that we will see either of the Sussex children undertaking official royal duties or holding royal titles.”

It has long been reported that Charles would like to slim down the monarchy.

What about Meghan and Harry’s new child?

Normally, the Sussex’s new daughter would take the title of Lady.

However, Meghan’s claims from the couple’s interview with Oprah that “the firm” told them Archie would not receive an official title means it may be the same for their second child.

As a result, their daughter is likely to take the name Miss “First and Middle Name” Mountbatten-Windsor, as per her older brother Archie.

Is Harry still in the line of succession for the British throne?

Despite Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s announcement in January 2020 that they would be officially stepping away from royal duties, Prince Harry has retained his place in the line of succession, despite dropping his HRH title.

When Harry and Meghan’s new child arrives, the Duke of York, who was born second in line in 1960, will move down to ninth place.

The first seven places will remain unchanged – the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Harry, and Archie.

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