Carpaccio of mackerel

Serves 4

Skye Gyngell
Sunday 29 March 2009 02:00 BST
(Lisa Barber)

If you like sashimi, this dish is similar. The mackerel needs to be very fresh, caught no more than the day before. Look for fish with skin that is glossy and firm, with clear eyes and smelling no more than of the sea from which it has come.

Allow 800g/28oz of fish per person
100ml/31/2fl oz extra-virgin olive oil
The juice of one lemon
1 fresh red chilli, sliced into rounds
Sea salt

Ask the fishmonger to fillet the fish for you if you don't feel confident doing it yourself.

Place four plates in the fridge to cool. Place the fish on a chopping board, skin-side down and, using a sharp knife, slice the fish following the grain into slices an eighth of an inch thick.

Arrange the fish attractively on to the chilled plates and drizzle over the olive oil. Now squeeze over the lemon juice and scatter over the chillies.

Season with the salt and serve. The salt on this dish is very important, as it will bring the flavours alive. Serve at once as a simple starter.

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