How to make asparagus with watercress and kefir dill dressing

The exquisite flavour of British asparagus means it needs little embellishment, but this dressing elevates the delicacy to new heights

Julia Platt Leonard
Friday 18 May 2018 10:04 BST
The whole idea of ‘serving size’ flies out the window the moment asparagus arrives on the table
The whole idea of ‘serving size’ flies out the window the moment asparagus arrives on the table (Photography by Julia Platt Leonard)

Now is not the time to take a holiday abroad. We’re in British asparagus season – a small eight-week window when we can feast on homegrown asparagus to our heart’s (and stomach’s) content.

Officially, the season kicks off at the end week of April and winds down in June, so while they’re here, enjoy them.

Asparagus recipes often fall under the “why bother” category.

They’re so delicious and moreish on their own that a lick of butter and some salt and pepper is the only embellishment they need.

Even cutlery feels redundant when it’s easier and more fun to pick up spears and eat them with your hands.

The only problem with asparagus is that no matter how much you make, it disappears. The whole idea of “serving size” flies out the window the moment asparagus arrives on the table.

But a few simple accompaniments and a light dressing won’t detract from the star attraction and can help make asparagus go farther.

This recipe makes more dressing than you’ll need, but it’s lovely on a green salad or drizzled over a piece of salmon.

You can find lemon olive oil at some supermarkets (Belazu is a excellent brand) or online retailer Sous Chef sells an extra virgin olive oil that is made by crushing Arbequina olives with Murcia lemons.

These are finishing oils – not for cooking – and add a lovely citrus hit to vegetables and seafood.

(Julia Platt Leonard)

Asparagus with watercress and kefir dill dressing

Serves two or three

2 bunches asparagus, about 500g
50g watercress
100ml kefir
15g dill
Zest of 1 lemon
½tsp Dijon mustard
4-5tbsp lemon olive oil

To make the kefir dill dressing, wash the dill and remove the fronds, discarding any woody stems. Chop finely and place in a bowl with the kefir, lemon zest, and Dijon mustard. Stir to combine.

Drizzle in the lemon olive oil and whisk until you have a creamy dressing.

Taste and season generously with salt and pepper. Set aside until you’re ready to serve the asparagus.

Chop off the woody ends of the asparagus and either steam or boil until just tender. Drain and place on a platter. Add the watercress and drizzle over with the kefir dill dressing.


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