Melania Trump will be on the front cover of Vogue, Anna Wintour all but confirms

And it won't be the first time either

Sarah Young
Friday 10 February 2017 14:53 GMT
Melania Trump
Melania Trump (Getty)

Despite some of the world’s leading designers refusing to dress her, Melania Trump could be about to grace the cover of the most iconic fashion magazine in the world.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour pointed to the magazine’s coverage of previous first ladies, indicating that Trump could soon appear on the cover of Vogue.

“We have a tradition of always covering whoever is the first lady at Vogue and I can't imagine that this time would be any different,” said Wintour.

In 2016, the fashion bible endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time in its 125-year history choosing to back Hillary Clinton so it’s unsurprising that this announcement has come as a shock.

Alas, regardless of Wintour’s stance as a vocal and politically active Democrat, she insists that Trump will be shown the same courtesy as her predecessors.

Vogue featured Melania Trump on its cover back in 2005
Vogue featured Melania Trump on its cover back in 2005

This wouldn’t be the first time Melania has appeared on the cover of Vogue though. For its February 2005 issue, the glossy magazine featured the FLOTUS shortly after her marriage to Trump who, at the time, was best known as a reality TV star.

But, fast forward 12 years and this could be a risky move for Vogue.

These days, Melania is making headlines for all the wrong reasons, think lawsuits and criticism for her plans to sell Melania-branded merchandise, and given the success of recent movements like #GrabYourWallet, Vogue could make themselves a target.

In the interview, Wintour also addressed how she predicts the fashion industry will be affected by the current political climate adding, “[They will] be inspired by what they see and that will come out in their work, “ she said. ”The next few years are going to be incredibly creative.”

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