How to update your skincare routine for autumn

Autumn is the best time to rejuvenate and repair your skin by correcting any summer damage and preparing your complexion for winter, says Sarah Young

Sarah Young
Friday 06 October 2017 18:05 BST

The days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping and the air is becoming drier. Autumn has officially arrived.

But while cosy jumpers, pumpkin spiced everything and hot chocolates might be on the horizon, the cooler climes don’t necessarily mean good news for your skin.

As a time of transition, autumn is the best time to rejuvenate and repair your skin by correcting any summer damage and preparing your complexion for winter.

While lighter creams and masks might have done the job previously, getting the hydration your skin needs is even more important when the weather cools down. Luckily, there are a whole host of skincare developments specially designed for that purpose, from heavy creams and plumping gels to nourishing moisturisers that promise an instant hit of hydration.


Omorovicza, Refining Facial Polisher, £65, Cult Beauty
Omorovicza, Refining Facial Polisher, £65, Cult Beauty

A lot of people think that exfoliation can exacerbate dryness – something we already have enough of during the cooler months – but in reality, it’s the best way to treat parched, flaky skin.

After hours in the sun your complexion can begin to look dehydrated and sallow, so it’s important to get rid of the dead damaged cells. This way, your skin will be prepped to absorb more moisture and improve the effectiveness of nourishing products.


By Terry, Baume de Rose Face Cream, £55, Space NK
By Terry, Baume de Rose Face Cream, £55, Space NK

Hot summer days can cause serious dehydration so the moisture lots needs to properly supplemented before winter rears its head. If you have dry skin already you really need to knuckle down that hydration to stop your skin from getting flaky so opt for a cream specifically designed to prevent moisture loss. Make sure to look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid which is known for its extra hydrating properties.

For those with oily skin, applying a heavy cream can feel a little too much but you can still benefit from additional moisturising come winter. Instead of skipping it altogether look for a light, oil-free formula.


Lanolips Banana Balm, £8.99, Feel Unique
Lanolips Banana Balm, £8.99, Feel Unique

The effects of the suns rays combined with the onset of biting cold weather can leave you with dry, chapped lips so investing in the right lip balm is key.

As lips lack the waterproofing outer layer that skin has they’re more sensitive to moisture loss so for best results looks for ingredients like Beeswax, shea butter and petrolatum which will prevent and repair chapping.


Aesop, Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm, £19, Cult Beauty
Aesop, Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm, £19, Cult Beauty

While we’re well accustomed to keeping a lip balm in our pockets and enlisting the help of heavy winter face creams to battle against the cold, there is one part of the body that often gets overlooked; our hands.

Constantly exposed, the cold weather quickly ravages delicate skin but don’t fret because, as always, the beauty industry has a seriously indulgent solution. Make sure to invest in a rich, buttery hand cream now and you’ll reap the benefits all winter long.

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