8 things no man should wear this fall — and what to wear instead

Dennis Green
Friday 30 September 2016 17:28 BST

As far as dress codes go, fall can be a tricky time.

The changing weather can mean that it's tough to dress appropriately every day.

We've created a list of seven items that should be best avoided, as well as exactly what they should be replaced with as the weather gets chillier.

These eight simple upgrades will take your fall wardrobe to the next level.

(Facebook/Sperry (Facebook/Sperry)

DON'T: Skip socks

The sockless look is great for the spring and summer, when a carefree vibe is expected.

In the fall, though, everyone will just get secondhand shivers after looking at your ankles.

DO: Wear wool socks

Wool socks may be a little overkill in the early fall, but by late fall you'll be thanking yourself every day.

DON'T: Wear colorful patterns and florals

Bright designs and colorful patterns are the norm in spring and summer. But as the weather cools, they looks out of place and strange. Inappropriate for an increasingly gray environment.

DO: Wear plaid

Plaid is always good in fall, but this year it's especially trendy. Plaid and fall just mixes so well, and there's no better way to tell it's fall than donning your first plaid flannel.

Wear it in a suit, a flannel, or a scarf.

DON'T: Wear white sneakers

White sneakers are the slickest thing you can wear in the spring and summer. But they don't belong in the rain — and sometimes snow —filled months of fall.

DO: Wear a nice pair of boots

Instead, slip into a well-made pair of boots from a quality boot maker. They'll be able to tackle moisture and the colder weather with ease, keeping your feet warm, dry, and happy.

DON'T: Wear colorful pants

It's fun to go crazy in the summer. The warm weather brings it out. Bright and patterned pants are evidence of this. Unfortunately, they don't really match the muted patterns of fall.

DO: Wear muted colors

But as the weather gets colder, those pants don't really make sense to wear anymore. It's better to stick to muted olives and navys that can still contrast with the seasonal color palette, but don't make you look ridiculously out of place.

DON'T: Wear one heavy item

There's a tendency to overdo it when it gets colder, throwing on your warmest coat before you head out the door over a T-shirt.

DO: Dress in multiple layers for changing temperatures

That's a mistake for one simple reason: fall weather is inherently changeable, and you should layer with light clothing that you can add and take off as the weather changes.

(Facebook/J Crew
(Facebook/J Crew (Facebook/J Crew)

DON'T: Wear light-weight fabrics like linen

Linen is great when it's just too hot to wear anything else. Wind breezes through it making it feel like you're wearing nothing at all.

That's great in the summer, but in the windy fall it's a mistake.

DO: Break out the heavy cotton and wool flannel

Shift to heavy cottons and light wool to provide insulation and warmth in the place of these thin linen shirts.

DON'T: Wear cotton or linen suits

Cotton is a super casual suiting fabric, and works great in the casual month of summer when everything is a bit more relaxed. But as the weather gets colder, cotton becomes impractical.

DO: Wear wool suits

Wool suits should be worn instead, providing insulation, warmth, and class to any situation where a suit is called for and appropriate.

DON'T: Wear Breton striped sweaters

Breton striped shirts and sweaters are a fun nautical spring and summer pattern that adds a touch of whimsy to a warm weather outfit. But for the fall, the lakes are frozen and the seaside towns are deserted — there's no point in wearing a shirt inspired by old French Navy uniforms.

DO: Wear fair isle patterned sweaters

A pattern like fair isle is much more seasonally appropriate, while still maintaining that horizontal striped look. It'll also come on thicker sweaters, like heavy cotton or wool, which will keep you warmer in the cold fall nights.

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