Argos and Philips unveil new product images to show ‘more relatable’ examples of hair removal

‘The reality of hair removal isn’t as glamorous as it is often seen online’ says Argos

Sarah Young
Tuesday 04 August 2020 14:34 BST
Billie's new Movember razor campaign shows 'women have moustaches too'

Argos and Philips have unveiled a new set of “relatable” images used to promote hair removal products online.

From this week, the two companies are featuring images showing the realities of hair removal to promote the Philips Lumea device, which uses intense pulsed light to reduce hair more permanently across the body.

The new photos on the brands’ websites show people bending into different positions so they can get to hard to reach areas and also feature more relatable body types.

There are images of women removing hair from a variety of areas on the body, including bikini lines, armpits and toes to help open up the conversation surrounding body hair.

The change comes after the brands carried out a poll of 2,000 women, which found that many disliked the fact that pictures used to advertise hair removal products do not often match up to reality.

According to the survey, 43 per cent of women said they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable talking about hair removal.

When asked what they wanted to see more of in hair removal images, hard-to-reach spots (32 per cent) and more relatable body shapes (30 per cent) both topped the list.

The companies hope that the images will help to update depictions of hair removal, and “celebrate the diversity of hair removal experiences”.


Jess Pasco, senior buyer at Argos, said: “We all have different needs when it comes to hair removal, but by posting images of real hair removal on our website, we’re opening up the conversation and encouraging our customers to be honest about body hair.

“We want our customers to see themselves reflected in these images and feeling reassured that we understand that the reality of hair removal isn’t as glamorous as it is often seen online.”


Jess Gregory, Philips Lumea marketing manager, added: “Hair removal doesn’t need to be a chore or something we’re embarrassed about – it’s a part of our everyday routines.

“We want women who use Lumea to feel empowered by their hair removal and what works best for them, through a personalised programme to suit their needs and choices.”

While the new images are a step in the right direction, they do not go quite as far as some other brands.


Last year, American women’s razor brand Billie received widespread praise after it unveiled a new campaign that featured a diverse mix of women wearing swimwear with their pubic hair visible.

The company’s executives said they hoped the campaign would help to normalise female body hair.


“I think when we brush topics to the side and don't address it, it’s a form of body shaming,” Georgina Gooley, the co-founder of Billie, told Refinery29.

“You’re saying it’s so unacceptable that we’re not even going to talk about it, and that's how we treat pubic hair,” she added.

“That’s why it's important to have a strong message that says, 'No, no, we are talking about it and it is OK.'“

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