Cabinet minister demands investigation into ‘manhandling’ of Tory MPs in fracking vote

’It is never acceptable for there to be any harassment of members as they cast their democratic vote’

Rob Merrick
Deputy Political Editor
Thursday 20 October 2022 17:16 BST
Tory MP Charles Walker 'livid' with colleagues within party

A Cabinet minister has called for an investigation into the “manhandling” of Tory MPs to force them to back the government on fracking – saying she is “shocked” by what went on.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan said the UK parliament is “well respected across the world”, making the “intimidation and bullying” – as one Labour MP called it – even more worrying.

In unprecedented chaos, Conservative MPs squared up to their senior whips, who first quit over the mayhem of whether it was being treated as a confidence vote – then withdrew their resignations.

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