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Games Review: Prince of Persia

PS3, Xbox 360, PC Ubisoft, £29.99 - £49.99

Rebecca Armstrong
Saturday 06 December 2008 01:00 GMT

I’ve loved Prince of Persia ever since playing it on an Amstrad back in the day, so the release of a new take on the swords-and-sorcery classic is a great source of excitement.

But forget what’s gone before: this is an altogether different game, from our hero who is reimagined as a thief, to his love interest, the everresourceful Elika, a fantastic addition to the franchise. Every aspect of gameplay is more fluid than what’s gone before, so in lieu of button-bashing there’s a more natural feel to Prince’s progress. It takes some getting used to, but persevere and you’ll be grateful for Ubisoft’s gamble.

Click here to purchase this game

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