Stephen Amell faces backlash after becoming first actor to criticise Hollywood strike

‘Arrow star is losing fans for his ‘disappointing’ stance

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 01 August 2023 09:11 BST
Stunt performers ride motorbikes through Hollywood in solidarity with strikes

Arrow star Stephen Amell is facing a swift backlash for speaking out against the SAG-AFTRA strike.

The actors’ strike is currently in its third week after the 160,000 member-strong union voted to join striking writers, who are fighting for better compensation and assurances that they will not lose work to artificial intelligence (AI), among other demands.

Hollywood stars to have joined the picket line include George Clooney, Bryan Cranston, Jessica Chastain, Wendell Pierce, Steve Buscemi, Michael Shannon, Brendan Fraser and BD Wong. Meanwhile, Dwayne Johnson donated a “record” seven-figure sum to SAG-AFTRA.

However, one actor who is against the strike is Amell, whose credits include the TV shows Arrow and wrestling drama Heels.

Amell became the first high-profile actor to speak out against the strike during a Q&A at Galaxycon in North Carolina, when he said: “I support my union, I do. And I stand with them. I do not support striking. I don’t. I think that it is a reductive negotiating tactic.”

He continued: “I find the entire thing incredibly frustrating. I think the thinking as it pertains to shows – like the show that I’m on that premiered last night – I think it’s myopic.”

After footage of Amell’s quotes were sent around social media, many criticised the actor for his “disappointing” views with it being pointed out that the strike is to help jobbing actors, not those who are already established and financially comfortable.

Stephen Amell does not support the strike
Stephen Amell does not support the strike (Getty Images for FilmRise)

“It must be nice to be in a financial position where you can have a s*** take like this,” @MaceAhWindu wrote, with @s_prevot writing: “Your peers are fighting for their livelihoods and can barely put food on the table while you sit with your millions like ‘wah this is so frustrating’.”

@iReinaValentine added: “What I’m hearing is that SAG should go to the negotiating table and propose that “No actors’ likeness can be used for AI without consent except for Stephen Amell.”

Elsewhere, @ChainsawReacts stated: Stephen has a right to his opinion, but he isn’t one of the actors who is struggling to make ends meet. He lead Arrow for 8 years and leading Heels now. He also does conventions multiples times a year, he is fine. This strike is to help actors/writers who aren’t lucky like he is.”

The Independent has contacted Amell for comment.

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