Emmerdale: Sam Dingle actor James Hooton causes controversy with post about Covid vaccine

‘You’ve only considered yourself in your decision,’ one person wrote

Jacob Stolworthy
Thursday 15 April 2021 13:43 BST
James Hooton as Sam Dingle in Emmerdale

Emmerdale actor James Hooton has been criticised for refusing to get vaccinated against Covid.

The actor, who has appeared on the ITV soap as Sam Dingle since 1995, told his Twitter followers he would be taking different vitamins and antiviral tablets instead.

Hooton, 47, also suggested that he believes a “regular exercise and a varied diet” would help fend off the disease that has killed more than 2.97m people globally.

The actor shared the post after it was announced that over 40s are next in line to be offered the vaccine in the UK.

He wrote: “I take Vit c,d, zinc, b-12, Q10 and anti virals such as Andrographis, Sambucus, Curcumin. Along with regular exercise and a varied diet.

“I may not be taking a Covid vaccine. I may be labelled ‘anti-vaxxer’ for being pro immune system, pro informed choice” [sic].

Following the tweet, followers urged Hooton to rethink his approach, with one telling him to keep others in mind when making his decision.

“I completely get your choice not to take it but it’s the impact on others,” one person wrote. “Especially people like me who have shielded for so long and are immunosuppressed and it’s a scary thing to get Covid.”

James Hooton suggested the belief that vitamins have the same effect as the vaccine
James Hooton suggested the belief that vitamins have the same effect as the vaccine (Getty Images)

Another criticised him for “not [being] a team player”, with one follower stating: “You’ve only considered yourself in your decision according to your tweet, which essentially says ‘I’m alright, Jack.’ You could have a mild case and spread.”

“Please take the vaccine for the sake of others,” one person added.

‘Emmerdale’ star James Hooton spoke out against the Covid vaccine on social media
‘Emmerdale’ star James Hooton spoke out against the Covid vaccine on social media (Twitter)

Others commended him for his honesty, with one positive tweet reading; “The vaccine is and should be your choice.”

Those spreading inaccurate information and conspiracy theories surrounding vaccinations have been widely criticised. In January, actor Miriam Margolyes was praised for tearing into anti-vaxxers during a typically entertaining interview on Good Morning Britain.

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