Stephen King says he is 'very uneasy' about Hachette dropping Woody Allen's memoir

Author is concerned about precedent set by cancelling the book’s release, although he says it was ‘tone deaf’ for publisher to take Allen’s memoir in the first place

Ellie Harrison
Saturday 07 March 2020 12:06 GMT
Woody Allen says he should be the poster boy for the Me Too movement

Stephen King has criticised Hachette’s decision to drop Woody Allen’s memoir, saying it makes him “very uneasy”.

Hachette came under fire recently for its decision to publish Allen’s book, Apropos of Nothing, despite being the same company that released his estranged son Ronan Farrow’s book detailing investigations into abuse, Catch and Kill.

Farrow broke his ties with the publisher over its decision to release the memoir and not “fact-check” with him or his sister, Dylan, who has accused Allen of molesting her in her youth. Allen has always denied allegations of abuse.

Following the backlash, Hachette announced on Friday (6 March) that it would not release Allen’s memoir after several employees walked out in protest.

Responding to the news on Twitter, author King wrote: “The Hachette decision to drop the Woody Allen book makes me very uneasy. It's not him; I don't give a damn about Mr. Allen. It's who gets muzzled next that worries me.”

After other Twitter users criticised King’s tweet, he shared a series of posts clarifying his position.

“Once you start, the next one is always easier,” he wrote, expressing his fears over the precedent set by Hachette.

Responding to someone who pointed out that Allen has been accused of sexually abusing a child, King wrote: “If you think he's a pedophile, don't buy the book. Don't go to his movies. Don't go listen to him play jazz at the Carlyle. Vote with your withholding it. In America, that's how we do.”

He concluded: “Let me add that it was f***ing tone-deaf of Hachette to want to publish Woody Allen’s book after publishing Ronan Farrow’s.”

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