Why Incredibles 2 and Ant-Man and the Wasp are opening a month later in the UK

The Marvel fans of the UK are in for some disappointing news 

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 18 June 2018 09:36 BST
Ant-Man And The Wasp - Trailer

The UK is fairly used to its release dates being slightly out of sorts with the US but, when it comes to Marvel, it's usually to our advantage.

There's been a tradition of Marvel unleashing its superhero flicks slightly earlier in the UK than in the US, one which dates back all the way back to Iron Man 2, though that won't be the case for Ant-Man and the Wasp. Why? Because of the World Cup, of course.

With the event lasting from the 14th June to the 15th July - and with the UK having a tendency to get a little bit hooked by it all - studios are hedging their bets that people will be too glued to their TV screens to trek over to their local multiplex this summer.

Which has involved a slight amount of rearrangement: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was released a week earlier in the UK than the US, swapping dates with Ocean's 8, which was released a week later.

While Incredibles 2 opened last Friday in the US, it's not due to hit the UK until 13 July. Ant-Man and the Wasp will open in the US on 6 July, but UK fans will have to wait until 3 August.

A harsh reality for anyone who's a fan of the movies, but not of the footie.

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