Baby Driver 2: Ansel Elgort confirms Edgar Wright has written script for heist sequel

The original 2017 film starred Elgort alongside names including Lily James, Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm

Adam White
Tuesday 30 July 2019 10:07 BST
Baby Driver - Trailer 3

Ansel Elgort has finally responded to two years of rumours and confirmed that a sequel to Baby Driver is in the works, with director and screenwriter Edgar Wright having already written the script.

Speaking to MTV News, Elgort said that Wright has “shared [the script] with me”, adding: “Yes, I think it’s going to happen. I think there will be a [sequel]. It has a different title, actually. You’re gonna have to have to ask Edgar that, though.”

While Elgort would not be prodded for more information, he did tease a “maybe” when asked whether he and Wright had made serious plans for when the film would go into production.

A Baby Driver sequel has been teased since the original film’s release in 2017, with Wright suggesting in interviews that he had many thoughts about a possible follow-up.

Last year speculation was increased when Wright celebrated the film’s one-year anniversary with an ambiguous message on his Instagram: “Had a wild ride with [Baby Driver] in the last 365 days. So I thank you for all your beautiful responses, it means everything. And who knows, maybe he could get back on the road soon...”

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