‘I can’t unsee this’: Marvel fans say Avengers: Infinity War is ‘ruined’ for them after spotting blunder

Clip from the 2018 blockbuster went viral on social media

Louis Chilton
Monday 04 April 2022 15:56 BST
Marvel fans spot continuity error in Avengers- Infinity War.mp4
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Marvel fans have shared their shock after discovering an egregious continuity blunder in the 2018 blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War.

Roughly an hour into the film, which was a crossover between several of Marvel’s individual film series, there is a scene in which Tom Holland’s Peter Parker speaks to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr).

“You can’t be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighbourhood,” says Peter.

The film then cuts to a reaction shot of Tony, before cutting back to Peter, who adds: “OK, so, that didn’t make sense, but you know what I’m trying to say.”

However, as one person recently pointed out on Twitter, Holland’s hairstyle changes very noticeably from one shot to another – prompting viewers to speculate that the second line was added in at a later date during reshoots.

“Currently rewatching Infinity War and i’ll never be able to unsee peter’s sudden change of hairstyle,” reads one viral tweet.

“Why is Marvel so low effort about these really basic fundamental things lol” wrote another person. “Like, would it have been THAT hard to reference the non-reshoot rushes to make sure that the lighting/blocking/hairstyling/eyeline matched your new shots?”

“Thanks for this, I hate it,” quipped another fan.

“You’ve absolutely ruined it for me now,” someone else wrote.

The film is available to stream now on Disney Plus.

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