Avatar 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be a Na’vi family saga, suggests James Cameron

Jake and Neytiri's children will 'struggle with the humans' in absurdly long sequel series

Christopher Hooton
Thursday 08 September 2016 10:56 BST

The plot of the hosts of Avatar sequels that presumably someone out there wants has been entirely unknown despite the project having been in the works for a while, but today director James Cameron teased a little about what to expect.

“The storyline in the sequels really follows Jake and Neytiri and their children,” he told Variety. “It’s more of a family saga about the struggle with the humans.”

Vulture pointed out that this seems slightly odd, ‘insofar as one might expect some fertility issues from an avatar who became a proper Na’vi through the interference of a magical tree.’

Nevertheless, some sort of family-based/passing of the sword narrative does make sense given its going to have to sustain four sequels.

In July, Cameron finally admitted that he may have overwritten when it came to the ambitious series.

“The Avatar story arc was originally meant to be a trilogy, but I overwrite and my writers overwrote as well,” he said.

“But basically the first of the sequels cloned itself and became two films, so now it’s four films, and the studio’s very happy with it. They have an opportunity to make more money but it’s also an opportunity to spend a lot more money, too, so there’s a clench factor.”

Avatar 2 has no official title yet, but is expected to land in December 2018, with Avatar 5 finally making it to cinemas in December 2023.

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