Adam McKay would 'choose Donald Trump over George Bush and Dick Cheney'

The director also criticised Bill Clinton, saying he 'killed the Democratic Party'

Jack Shepherd
Tuesday 20 November 2018 13:06 GMT
Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Southport High School in Indianapolis
Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Southport High School in Indianapolis (Getty Images)

Adam McKay – director of the upcoming biopic Vice about George Bush’s vice president Dick Cheney – has said that he would rather Donald Trump be President of the United States than Bush.

The 50-year-old, who has gradually progressed from directing comedies (Anchorman) to Oscar-nominated satires (The Big Short), offered a scathing appraisal of the two Presidents, as well as Bill Clinton.

“I legitimately think Bill Clinton is one of the worst presidents in the modern age. I really do,” McKay told The Hollywood Reporter.

“I think his presidency has aged so poorly: the deregulating of the banks. His personal life [in light of] the #MeToo movement. Like, shame on all of us. I at least was at SNL making fun of him with some cold opens. But man, they let that guy off the hook. I think he killed the Democratic Party.”

Adam McKay (left) with Charles Randolph
Adam McKay (left) with Charles Randolph

McKay continued: “I would choose Trump over Bush and Cheney.”

Explaining the choice, he continued: ”Dick Cheney was the safe-cracker, the professional you brought in who knew all the ins and outs of our government. He was the ultimate gamesman. With Trump, the front door to the White House is wide open. There’s deer and dogs and hyenas running around. And this guy is like an orangutan just throwing shit around. But Cheney was the grand master who finished the deal.

“Donald Trump has no belief system. So I would take the hyenas, the random wild animals running through the White House over Cheney any day of the week. If Cheney had stayed in office — let’s say we didn’t have term limits, and he was able to go another four, eight years — they would have invaded Iran.”

Christian Bale plays Cheney in Vice, with Oscar buzz already surrounding the role.

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