The Book List

Future Library: The Norwegian forest that will become an anthology of 100 books in 100 years

Every Wednesday, Alex Johnson delves into a unique collection of titles

Tuesday 30 October 2018 18:15 GMT
Each year a new writer hands over an unpublished text to be stored until 2114
Each year a new writer hands over an unpublished text to be stored until 2114 (Channel 4)

Scribbler Moon by Margaret Atwood
From Me Flows What You Call Time by David Mitchell
As my Brow Brushes on the Tunics of Angels or The Drop Tower, the Roller Coaster, the Whirling Cups and Other Instruments of Worship from the Post-industrial Age by Sjón
The Last Taboo by Elif Shafak
Untitled by Han Kang

At the end of Orlando, Virginia Woolf’s hero/ine considers burying his/her poem “The Oak Tree” in the roots of the original tree that inspired it.

As Orlando puts it, this would be returning to the land what it has given her/him.

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