How did Anthony Hopkins pull off that shock victory?

Chadwick Boseman was certain to win a posthumous Oscar until he wasn’t… 83-year-old Anthony Hopkins walked away with it instead and Kyle Buchanan explains why

Friday 30 April 2021 00:00 BST
The Welsh landscape is the stage for Anthony Hopkins’s pandemic ‘acceptance speech’ on Monday
The Welsh landscape is the stage for Anthony Hopkins’s pandemic ‘acceptance speech’ on Monday (Twitter)

For months, it was considered a sure bet that Chadwick Boseman would win a posthumous best-actor Oscar for his galvanising performance in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. The Sunday night ceremony was even rearranged around that expected outcome, scheduling Boseman’s category last so his widow, Simone Ledward Boseman, could accept and end the show with a crescendo of emotion.

That didn’t happen. Instead, the surprise winner was Anthony Hopkins for The Father, and since the 83-year-old actor was a no-show at the ceremony, presenter Joaquin Phoenix collected the Oscar in his stead and the telecast abruptly ended.

What happened? Hopkins was at home in the Welsh countryside and had offered to accept via Zoom if his name was read but the Oscars nixed that plan. To distinguish themselves from awards shows such as the Golden Globes that had been hobbled by video-conferencing mishaps, producers encouraged nominees to attend the Los Angeles gala in person or to make their way to satellite ceremonies in a handful of European cities.

Though his nominated co-star, Olivia Colman, attended the satellite show in London, Hopkins chose to stay put in Wales and since the producers’ edict was “no Zooms allowed” the show ended anticlimactically instead. In lieu of an acceptance speech, Hopkins released an appreciative video on social media the next morning.

So that’s one burning Oscars question answered but another still remains: How did Hopkins pull off that shock victory when Boseman’s coronation had appeared so certain for so long?

To find out, I called up Michael Barker, who acquired and distributed The Father in his role as co-president of Sony Pictures Classics. To hear Barker tell it, Hopkins’s win was more than a year in the making and involved a lot of careful calibration so the film’s lengthy Oscars campaign would peak at the very last minute.

We decided it didn’t make sense to sell the film to a streamer because the streamers had so many films of high quality – we were worried it would just become one of many at the end of the year

Sony Pictures Classics bought The Father in late 2019 and planned a rollout similar to that for the company’s Oscars favourite Call Me By Your Name: The drama would debut at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2020, earn glowing reviews and then relaunch in November with a slow cinemas rollout in the thick of Oscars season.

That’s an awfully long time for a film to sustain momentum but when it is dealing with delicate topics, that lengthy runway is imperative, Barker says. The Father is a wrenching film about an elderly man wrestling with dementia and many voters told Barker and his co-president, Tom Bernard, the subject matter made them afraid to watch it. Overcoming their defences and turning it into a must-see would take some time.

“We have always prided ourselves on having these high-quality films that need that long tail,” Barker says. “We just trusted in the quality of the film and especially the quality of the two lead performances. Then the pandemic intervened.”

As cinemas began to close and studios sold off many of their 2020 films to streaming services, Barker and Bernard were faced with a quandary: should they negotiate a lucrative deal to offload The Father to a streaming company eager to acquire a hot awards title, or keep it for themselves in the hope that cinemas in New York and Los Angeles would reopen later in the year?

“We decided it didn’t make sense to sell the film to a streamer, because the streamers had so many films of high quality – we were worried it would just become one of many at the end of the year,” Barker says. “So we decided to take the risk.”

On a role: Anthony Hopkins in a scene from The Father
On a role: Anthony Hopkins in a scene from The Father (Sony Pictures Classics/AP)

As the pandemic wore on, the Oscars eligibility window was extended from the end of 2020 to 28 February, 2021, and The Father escaped to a late February opening date. Meanwhile, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom was streamed to great acclaim and Boseman’s heralded performance rocketed ahead of Hopkins with Oscars oddsmakers.

Had Sony Pictures Classics miscalculated its moment? By the end of the year, Boseman was considered unbeatable and most of the season’s major contenders were on release except The Father.

“So many of the big films were available on streamers… there’s Sound of Metal, there’s Mank, there’s Ma Rainey,” Barker admitted. “So how do we get our film to those academy members as best we can? We left no stone unturned in what we offered them.”

Sony Pictures Classics added The Father to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science’s screening portal in November but doubled down by also sending out DVD screeners and hard-bound copies of the script to awards voters.

“We still feel there’s a certain number of people who would prefer the DVD,” Barker says, “and even if you don’t prefer it, when you get the DVD at home, there’s that title again to remind you to see it.”

That old-fashioned approach began to pay off and The Father earned crucial nominations at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and the Golden Globes, as well as a Producers Guild of America nomination indicating potential best-picture strength. Still, Boseman won the Golden Globe over Hopkins on 28 February, just as The Father was opening.

Lost keys: The late Chadwick Boseman was expected to win for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Lost keys: The late Chadwick Boseman was expected to win for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (David Lee/NETFLIX )

That rollout came as cinemas in New York and Los Angeles began to reopen, distinguishing The Father as a broadly released title for voters anxious to see a big-screen film. But with cinemas operating at a reduced capacity and important locations such as the ArcLight in Los Angeles still closed, Sony Pictures Classics would have to offer some other options.

“It was obvious, the wider we got, that there wasn’t going to be huge grosses for pandemic reasons, so we decided to put the film out,” Barker says, referring to premium video on demand and that digital debut came just after the film earned six Oscars nominations on 15 March, stoking the curiosity of people eager to catch up on the nominees.

“What really helped us was to wait until that moment when people were actually on the verge of voting and trying to be in the limelight at the right moment when so many of the other films on the streamers had already played out last fall and become old news,” Barker says.

A strong showing at the Baftas, where Hopkins finally notched a significant best-actor win, indicated that the film’s momentum might be picking up and a high-profile appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert was scheduled right before Oscars voting closed. But many voters who were sure that Boseman would win, and that their votes would not matter, threw their support behind Hopkins, illustrating the peril of being the front-runner. It helped, too, that Hopkins hailed from a best-picture nominee (Ma Rainey was not nominated), a correlation that usually accompanies a best-actor victory.

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In the end, Hopkins won in what Barker is sure was a tight race. “I bet if you looked at the totals, there was even a close No 3 with Riz Ahmed (from Sound of Metal),” he says. The fact that The Father – and not the eventual best-picture winner, Nomadland – received the adapted-screenplay Oscar, suggests that its appeal to voters wasn’t limited to the lead actor’s titanic performance.

As for that actor… “I had an exchange of emails with him this morning, and they were quite wonderful,” Barker says. “He was very exuberant and very moved. He said to have something like this at his age was such a gift.”

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